Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy your products?
In supermarkets and self-service stores, as well as in our online store.
Las Marías yerba mate is a 100% natural product but is not certified organic.
Las Marías yerba mate is a 100% natural product but is not certified organic.
How do they control pests?
At Las Marías we constantly monitor the levels of insects and pests that are harmful to the crop. Once the levels of these have reached critical values, the appropriate phytosanitary treatment is carried out, prioritizing tools that have a low or zero impact on the environment. The entire production process at Las Marías is certified, from the nursery to the final packaging, and the BPM and HACCP food safety certifications granted by IRAM endorse our products.
Are your products gluten-free?
All products made by Las Marías are TACC-free, gluten-free.
Is yerba mate powder bad?
No. In fact, it is a virtuous component of yerba mate. Its function is to provide foaminess and body to the infusion.
How to preserve or store yerba mate/tea?
Recomendamos guardarlos en envases herméticos alejados de la humedad y los olores invasivos (productos de limpieza).We recommend storing them in airtight containers away from moisture and invasive odors (cleaning products).
Do you take any kind of action to care for your community and children?
Yes, it has been our priority since the beginning of Las Marías. On this page you can find more information about our actions.
Where do I shop abroad?
For more information, you can visit Taragüi's international website.
If you have any further questions, you can contact us at atclientes@lasmarias.com.ar or by message on our social networks.