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Contractor Control

We periodically offer workshops to train yerba mate and tea producers, as well as contractors in the area.
In turn, we carry out active control over contractors to ensure compliance with labor standards, especially strict compliance with the prohibition of child and adolescent labor. To this end, there are dedicated managers dedicated to the supervision and control of this issue, aligned with the company's Code of Ethics.


Our control includes the care and supervision of a universe of more than 8,700 people per year, external to the company, over whom Las Marías assumes the responsibility of ensuring compliance with labor standards, social security, work risks, and other essential standards for the development of the activity.


Las Marías receives audit controls from third parties with whom we have commercial agreements, such as: Disney and Kellogg’s, among others.


These controls cover not only our industrial facilities but also the entire value chain of the products and the working conditions of our collaborators. In addition, Las Marías qualifies its raw material suppliers by requiring the following:

​The signing of an affidavit regarding compliance with the labor, health and tax regulations applicable to your activity.

Audit by specialists to verify compliance with these commitments.

If non-compliance with the rules is detected, they cease to qualify as suppliers of the company.

It also has an Internal Audit area in charge of ensuring transparency and integrity in business, key values ​​for Las Marías. The sector has made its Ethics Line available to its collaborators, suppliers and clients, which consists of various means of contact, and through which irregular and/or fraudulent activities that affect these values ​​can be reported.

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