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8 a 16:30hs
Todos los días
We invite you to discover Las Marías, a place where nature and industry coexist in harmony. You will be able to discover the secrets of good mate and the best Argentine tea in an environment of surprising beauty.
Our tours are free and outdoors.

Pedestrian Walkway: You will be able to enjoy the surroundings and the gardens, as well as see La Mayoría, the old family home that is the emblem of our Establishment.
The Store: In this space we offer all the products made by Establecimiento Las Marías and many exclusive sale items.
Guided Tours: Those who wish can visit different productive sectors accompanied by our guides. Capacity is limited, reserve your place:

Visits with Delegations: With prior reservations and limited capacity, guided tours are available for school and/or tourist groups. To schedule group visits and inquire about rates, write to or call 03756 493000.
Location: We are located in the northeast of the province of Corrientes, on National Route 14, at kilometer 739. Open every day, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Last time to enter the store: 4:30 p.m.

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